Friday, August 04, 2006

What do Gargoyles Eat?

It took all the strength I had to keep Sara away from stealing the grapes from that nice gargoyle there. She really likes grapes, especially in the hot weather. It is easy to see that this gargoyle is a vegetarian, and likely all alone in her beliefs. I imagine she is persecuted big time for not devouring people along with her peers. Obviously the gargoyle behind her eats all sorts of meat since it has a big scary tongue. I'm willing to bet that the reason they have put up those cage thingies there between us and the gargoyles is so that the tongue guy doesn't come and eat us. Sort of like at a zoo. The little guy that I got my picture taken with down below is a personal hero of mine. At first glance I wasn't sure what he was chewing on, but once I discovered it is a French dog I was very happy. That means that there is one less pile of petrified puppy poop on the ground out by the cathedral. I'm seriously thinking of inviting this gargoyle to fly about above me everywhere I go, especially on the way to work. It'd be a regular smorgusbord for him. Can we keep 'im?

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