Friday, August 04, 2006

Our Hike to the Top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame

This super gorgeous girl is Sara. From the first time she saw the Cathedral of Notre Dame she was very anxious to go up to the top of it to see the gargoyles and the big bell. What kind of husband would I be to not meet the wishes of such a pretty wife? Besides, I've always wanted to do that as well. An hour in line and a few euros later we were realeased into the ancient spiral staircase to begin our ascent to the top of this historic building. It seemed like those stairs would never end. No wonder the gargoyles never come down, they don't want to have to hike all the way back up! It was really cool though to be walking up the same stairs that so many people have climbed for centuries. You'll notice in the picture of the hunchback below that the stairs are very worn out in the center as they have been trod upon for the last 771 years. You can't find stairs like this back home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"...she gave me water!"