Monday, August 14, 2006

Kason Quitte Paris

And there you have it. My three and a half months in Paris. Time went by fast, didn't it? Well sometimes I really wondered. I spent my last weekend eating sushi with Bruno and saying good bye to my friends. On Sunday I braved the rain and walked from The Cathedral of Notre Dame to the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower looked really neat surrounded in clouds and covered with water. that's exactly how it was the first time I ever saw it. I wonder when I will see it next. I had a wonderful time in Paris, and wouldn't hesitate to do it all again, so long as Sara could be with me for the entire time. What a neat city. I'll check in with everybody when I get home tomorrow night. Until then au revoir!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

à très bientôt j'espère!

You’re The nephew!!!
