Wednesday, August 09, 2006

La Defense in the Sun

After the weekend's many adventures in the heat we decided to play it safe and go somewhere that wouldn't require a lot of walking for Tuesday night's activities. La Defense was the answer since it is a short metro ride (as long as you avoid the RER and its terrible lack of signage) and the only walking is to traverse the long square in front of the Grande Arche. As you can tell in these pictures it was a super sunny and hot night regardless of being nearly eight o'clock, and you'll also notice our brutal sunburns. I'm a big fan of the area because those tall sky scrapers are gorgeous with the sun shining off of them. I also like the weirdo statues everywhere. I like to fake like I understand all of that sort of thing, but I'm pretty clueless. If you can't tell from all the blogs about La Defense from before, Sara is standing inside the Grande Arche above, and that picture of me was taken from inside the Arche. You might be able to see the Arc de Triomph out there if you squint. I just love the glimmers coming off those buildings.

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