Thursday, August 03, 2006


We were finally able to find someone to take a good a picture of us in front of the Arc de Triomph. There is some sort of standard protocol behind doing this that we hadn't really discovered until we got to this point of our time in Paris together. The key isn't so much how to ask people to take your picture as it is who to ask. At first we just wanted to get it over with and asked the first person we saw, but we later learned that in order to get a good picture you have to ask someone who either 1. has one of those cameras with a lens the length of a telescope 2. just spent about ten minutes taking one picture of his wiggly family or 3. is oriental. That's how to do it. For this picture we were once again exposed to that most hilarious joke that everyone says after you ask them for a picture; "I'll take the picture, but I charge quite a bit". HA HA! In the end we never took the time or the money to climb to the top of the Arc de Triomph, mostly because we figured that we didn't want to have all the pictures we brought home be of the view of Paris from varying heights. Instead, here is what we would have seen, as found on Google Earth. Pretty cool, eh? You'll notice that the plaza on which the Arc sits (Charles de Gaulle plaza) looks just like a star, with its six intersecting streets. The subway station is called Etoile, which is French for star. The large street leading from the arc on the bottom right is the famous Champs Élysées. I am quite amazed at how well the intersection is run though, only one street can go into the round-about at a time, and all the pedestrians must cross underneath the ground. Pretty cool stuff.

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