Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Notre Dame Interior

Having royally failed at taking a postable picture of the inside of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, I set Sara on the task, knowing she's a lot better at such things than I am. Judging by the picture at the left, that was one of my better decisions. Look at how cool that rose window is. Did you know that in 1939 the church people removed all the stained glass in the entire church because they were afraid it would get destroyed by German bombs? Pretty cool huh? I wonder where they put the glass, and how they got it all out. I know it makes me sound ignorant, but Sara and both agree that the inside of a cathedral is nowhere near as beautiful as the outside. Perhaps its because everything is so dark and dreary looking. Check out this other cool picture that Sara took while inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I had no idea that it would make me look so much like Spiderman.

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