Saturday, May 20, 2006

I'm still alive, ça va ça va

Hello everyone!
Like an idiot I left my camera home today, so I haven't any pictures to post. I spent all day at the laundromat anyhow, so I doubt there would have been any interesting pictures in my camera anyhow. Just wanted to apologize for not posting anythin in a bit. I'm still alive, just busy at work and stuff. I think Monday will be a good day to get some things posted, so check back then. The weather here has been absolutely atrocious, it actually said that there was a one hundred percent chance of rain today. It certainly rained, just as I was bringing home my dry clothes. Grrrrr. Hopefully it will get to be sunny by the middle of June. Anyohw, there's my status, 'til Monday then. Au Revoir.

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