Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Grave of Rafael Trujillo

Alright folks, put away your French history books, its time for a bit of a lesson about the Caribbean. This is the grave of Dominican dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, a name that makes some beam with pride while others duck in fear. I am more of another school, which wants to spit on his grave. I didn't. Trujillo used money and politics to take over the Dominican government in 1930, and spent the next 31 years doing noble things such as renaming everything larger than a tree stump Trujillo (Santo Domingo became the Ciudad Trujillo), and killing any one that stood in his way. He impisoned three men, the husbands of three sisters who were very much against Trujillo. As the sisters were driving home from visiting their husbands Trujillos henchmen tortured and killed all three. This was after his massacre of 20,000 Haitians all within two days. Trujillo himself, along with his machete-toting army walked through the sugar cane fields, and picked up any dark-skinned worker who couldn't pronounce the word 'perejil' ('parsley', Haitian Spanish speakers can't pronounce the r) and killed them on the spot. 20,000 is a lot. Finally, in 1961 his own men shot him in his car. His body was taken to Paris to be buried where his family had escaped to in order to avoid being killed. I find it very fitting that every day people walk by his grave speaking French, the language of the people he so brutally murdered. Sorry, but I just can't stand this man.

1 comment:

Zann said...

Wow Kason, so do you have an opinion about this guy or what? I hear you. I'm not too fond of Mao Zedong myself nor of a lot of the current leaders of China. There are a lot of poeople in pretty poor circumstances there. Anyway, the blog is cool!