Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Saint Germain des Pres

During our sweaty walk from The Louvre to Saint Sulpice we came across the former Abbey Saint Germain Des Pres. This building is relatively unkown to the tourist, but seems to often escape the lips of the native French person, probably since he or she uses it as a reference to the area around it. "Hey French Person", I might say, "Where is the café of the two maggots?" The French person would certainly respond by saying (In French), "what are you talking about you silly American?" I would then try to repeat the question in French, clearing my throat on every 'r' saying my "u" sounds with my lips nearly closed, and not saying any of the letters in the last two thirds of my words. The French person would then understand me and say, in perfect English, "Over there by the former Abbey Saint Germain Des Pres." In looking up the history of the building, there really isn't anything too special about it, except for the fact that it has been burnt down and rebuilt something like five times. How can a building made completely of stone be "burnt down"? I don't know, but apparently the French revolutionists sure did, because this is what occupied most of their time from 1789 to 1800.

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