Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Loover

Eventually we were able to navigate our way through the rain from the Hard Rock Café to the Louvre, en route to the Seine. This picture was taken from under the cover of the Comedie Français, a building where live theatre has been performed for centuries, and is now seen by thousands of tourists since it is right next door to The Louvre. The building right in front of us is the Hotel du Louvre, someday Sara and I will stay in that Hotel, rather than the Hotel du Loathe, where we are staying now. A tiny iddy biddy section of the North wing of the Louvre is showing between the Hotel du Louvre and the building across the street. This area is gorgeous in the rain. Speaking of gorgeous in the rain, here is Sara's first (of many) pictures taken at the Louvre. There's that lovely glass pyramid that everyone is talking about lately. I really like it. Sara likes to pronounce the word "Loo-ver" just because we are tired of trying to pronounce impossible words like "Louvre" and "Chartres" and "Pardon" in such a way that it isn't painfully obvious that we speak little French. When in Paris do as the Americans! We were just passing by this time, but you can bet that there will be plenty of Loovering in the near future.

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