Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Music to My Mouth

Ever since my first few days in college I have proclaimed Friday night to be no work or school night, and I've stuck to my schedule pretty well. After getting married, my weekly revelry was reproclaimed as Sara and Kason night, and few Fridays have ever been spent behind a textbook ever since. During our two months away, Fridays were pretty much the worst because what fun is Sara and Kason night without half of its namesake? For our first Friday night together Sara and I had a really fun date, which included The Hard Rock Café, a cruise up and down the Seine, and a whole lot of rain. Here we are outside the Hard Rock, having just eaten some good ol' American food. They played some of the "en vogue" music from back home, and it was like heaven to my ears. Sadly though, we had other things planned so we went on our way, after asking a nice guy to take our picture. I've decided that I need to start being more specific when I ask people to take pictures of us by telling them that we want them to include the memorable monument which we are standing in front of. The façade to the Café is much better looking than this, but I guess you take what you can get.

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