Monday, July 17, 2006

My Work Commute

Just a few short comments here. You'll see me all dressed up in my cute work outfit walking home there on the left. Now that Sara walks around town with me, I have a lot more pictures of pretty old buildings since she has a better eye for that sort of thing than I do. When I walk home from work my eyes spend most of their time looking down so that my feet don't spend most of their time stepping in dog offerings. Anyhow, I deemed this picture blog worthy since there are Italian flags hanging from yonder windows, and I must mention that Italy won the World Cup two Sundays ago, beating out France during the Super Double Overtime penaly kicks. We don't have TV in our apartment, so we weren't able to watch the game, but we knew exactly what the outcome was as we saw very sad French people walking home waving their blue white and red with a little less enthusiasm than they had while the match was on. Dang, I was hoping France would go all the way. Oh well, there's always four years from now.

I figured I ought to also include this photo of the Smart Car that we came across on the way home. We couldn't help but notice the likeness of this car to Sara's cat, Tinker, who is evil. If this car is anything like the cat it is portraying, I would hate to come across it on the road, as I am sure it would be chasing after me for miles, its horn growling. I like the motto for the cat food company advertised; "As good as it is beautiful". I am sure that the cat food tastes as good as it looks.

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