Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Green Giants

For the last year or so everytime Sara and I went to a new city it was so that she could participate in a conference for work, and I would come along for the ride. It was a little bit odd to have things the other way around this time. Usually while I was at work Sara would spend the entire day at a museum and I would meet her there at about six thirty. I'm still not sure how she was able to stay at a museum the entire day, I get tired after about four hours. I guess one doesn't get tired of looking at what he or she loves. About twice a week (days vary for each museum) most Parisian museums are open until nine thirty, thus, when I went to pick up Sara on this day spent the rest of the evening at the Louvre. She gave me the grand tour, including the dungeon and the ancient mote and room after room of paintings by famous folks. I discovered that the best way to do the Louvre is quickly, stopping only at the stuff that interests you. I really liked the four green guys pictured above. They are huge!! The expressions on each ones' face is perfect, and unique, and I love how the sculptor took such detail in portraying not only them, but what is going on around them. The scultpures at the Louvre are really neat, we spent a lot of time looking at them. Man that building is huge!

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