Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Raining Chats and Chiens

En route to our cruise boat Sara and I ended up in quite a rain storm. Paris weather seems to do whatever I don't want it to do on most days, but once in a while the clouds and the sun are on my side. Believe it or not, the rain was an example of the latter, as the break from the sweaty heat was very welcome. Luckily Sara brought her umbrella, so we crouched underneath it and made our way to the river. It rained really really hard, and it was wonderful. Check out this cool fountain that we came across on the way. How could you not take a picture of that? Here's a picture of me in the rain. I was all worried that our stuff would get ruined in the water, but Sara was all happy running around and jumping in the puddles. The look on my face in the picture was, "Oh my word the camera is gonna get all wet and broken". I'm just a wet blanket, I guess, a very very wet blanket. You'll note that I wore a shirt appropriate for out dining situation. Oh yeah.

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