Friday, June 30, 2006

July 2nd is finally here!!!

Well everyone, in thirty seven hours my dear wife will finally be experiencing Paris next to me instead of 5500 miles away. I can not wait!!! Hopefully I will be able to identify her among the thousands of confused and frustrated travelers at Charles de Gaulle airport. Needless to say, my blog postings may not be any where near as frequent as they have been, however I will do my best to keep things going. At least now there may be acutal pictures of me or Sara on the blog, rather than just large buildings and small paintings. At any rate, keep on checking the blog now and then because the posts will certainly be higher quality, but perhaps not higher quantity. She's finally coming out here. Wahoooooo!!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Congrats. Tell Sara hi. Sorry I haven't been around in a while, but I've read everything, I swear.