Tuesday, June 20, 2006

L'Escargot Montorguel

Hey there everybody. Sorry I didn't get to the blog yesterday, all sorts of other things ended up happening instead. I'm sure that everyone has been biting their fingernails waiting to find out what I did over the weekend. Just when I think I've seen everything in Paris I find out about all the things I've forgotten, I set out to see them and before I know it the weekend is over. As such was this weekend. I'll start by posting pictures of my walk down Rue Montorguel who's claim to fame has got to be L'Escargot Montorguel. This restaraunt is easy to miss in the hubub of this busy street (pictured down below), and I guarantee you that after seeing the prices you'll wish you had missed it. Of course, those who want to experience the true Parisian dining experience aren't looking for a cheap evening, so this alley would be right up their alley. Here in Paris most buildings have a shop or restraunt in the bottom floor (floor 0) and then about four or five floors of apartments above. This means that it is most likely that the window behind the golden snail is someone's room. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the instructions to get to your flat included, "just behind the golden snail"? This is a great part of town, right next to Les Halles, one of the largest subway stations in the world.

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