Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Long Live France! And the Venezuelans!!

Oh, I should definitely remind everyone that last night's football match was won by France, and it was mostly due to my incredible cheering from the heights of Rue de Levis. I was amazed at how entertaining Soccer really is, and I am certainly going to find a way to watch the France vs. Brazil game on Saturday. It will be great. Something tells me that there will be a lot more goals on the Brazil side though. Whatever. I still want France to win. The winning team will go on to the Final Four. Excuse the American there. Here's a picture of a monument in the middle of a tiny park in the middle of an unknown street in the North West end of the 17th district. The monument is dedicated to a bunch of soldiers in Venezuela who did something amazing. Unfortunately they did their amazing thing in French and I was way too impatient to try and decipher it. I thought it was a pretty nice statue though.

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