Friday, June 09, 2006

Charley and Denis

This is a statue of Charlemagne atop his horse hidden in the trees in the front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. He was the King of the Franks 768 to 814 and did a whole bunch of notable stuff like rape, pillage and plunder, and found the Holy Roman Empire. Certainly his most notable achievement is being the Grandfather of Charles the Bald. A name like that is nothing but demeaning. Surely ol' Chuck did something more noteworthy than being bald. I also thought I'd throw in a picture of my new favorite saint, Denis. I believe he is my favorite because he is always pictured holding his head. I often get depictions of him mixed up with Saint John the Baptist, but you can usually discern between the two because Denis spends a lot more time wearing clothes. If you don't recall my account of the story of his demise you'll have to go back and read it, I wrote that back on MontMartre. You'll certainly want to brush up on your Saint Denisology because this weekends locale of interest will be his Basilica and final resting place. Denis pictured here was found stading among all the saints around the three main doors of the Cathedral.

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