Thursday, June 01, 2006

Me at Work. I have a lamp.

This morning I woke up to an absolutely beautiful, perfect, gorgeous day. The sun was shining, we're nearly to the weekend, and I've got some pretty cool projects going for me at work. If it weren't for my Saralessness, I would be a big chunk of way-too-happy. As you can tell from this picture, taken by Bruno, I was pretty excited to be working today, even though it was so nice outside. Bruno and I have been doing a bit of a project together, or better said, I've done a tiny bit of Bruno's project with him. My part of the project is to graph out the Social Security replacement rates for retirees in various countries given certain starting salaries and constant salry accrual rates. It's neat to see which people from which countries get the best retirement. Believe it or not, the second worst among the countries we are analyzing is the US (just behind Mexico) where people only make on average 61% of their final annual salary during retirement. In Portugal and Luxembourg, people make more (like 120%) after retirement than they did while working. Crazy. There's a bit of a taste of one of the projects I'm helping in. Sorry if that was severely boring. Sara bought me that tie, it's pretty good-lookin'. I have slit eyes like that security guard puppet on Today's Special. Does anyone remember that show?


Zann said...

I absolutely loved "Today's Special"! What an awesome show! Except that the mannequin guy was always accidentally losing his hat. You'd think he'd have it glued or sewn or stapled on or something so that he wouldn't keep turning back into plastic.

Mike said...

Did anyone else notice that the mannequin dude in that show was always in the same outfit, no matter what? Didn't anyone in that store ever do any work? I mean, styles do change, right?