Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Someone below the ground really needs a ride

Before I set out on my walk along the Axe Historique there were a lot of things to take pictures of right there in La Défense. In keeping with the modern theme of the neighborhood there are all sorts of odd sculptures up and down the streets by the Grande Arche. This is certainly the one that I like the most, probably because it lends itself to no interpretation. It's a thumb. A giant 15 meter thumb. And why not? I knew about this thumb before I went out to La Défense and I promised myself I wouldn't go home until I saw it, but I had no idea it would just pop out of the corner of my eye where it did. The picture from far away was taken from atop the stairs at the Grande Arche. A fitting place for such a monumental work of art. It really is tough to see from far away since it is the same color as the ground, but it is certainly worth the search.

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