Friday, June 30, 2006

The persistance of parsley

My exposure to Mr. Dali was by no means in a museum. Salvador's got his own museum out here, but it is hidden away in the Naughty District by the Moulin Rouge, and I'm not really in a hurry to get out there again. Instead, I went to a small exhibition of some of his original sculptures displayed in a top notch (Niles Crane style) shopping area on the Champs Élysées. Dali is certainly most famous for his painting The Persisance of Memory, which is displayed at the New York Museum of Modern Art and on my blog. Its pretty much the oddest painting you'll ever see, and if you ever want a good laugh go on the internet and read people's screwy interpretations of it. Its amazing how smart people sometimes think they are. Guilty as charged. The whole "tortilla clocks" and "weirdo horse things" was a theme that he explored quite often throughout his life, and the sculpture I saw was pretty neat, I think. Mostly I was impressed at how expensive things were at the stores around the sculptures. I suppose I'm just used to shopping malls whose most lucrative center pieces are fake trees in the food court. At least you can eat a hamburger without mint leaves and parsley on it while enjoying the sort of shade that only false fauna can provide.

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