Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Kind a Town

Thirty Seven. I have 37 blog-destined pictures on my computer from this single day in Chicago. You gotta know you're in a great city when you take that many pictures of it and it's like your 12th trip there. This is why we like Seattle so much, every time we go for a little jaunt downtown we come home with a camera full of interesting pictures. I'm really anxious to start posting all the cool places we've been in Seattle over the last three months, but these Chicago photos are burning a hole in my cyber pocket. Plus, we gotta do this little travelogue (travelblogue) in chronological order, so you people will just have to be patient!

You must understand that we love Chicago like a zombie loves Einstein's brain. Our last day in Chicago we spent many minutes staring into the cityscape bidding farewell to the buildings that we may not see again for a long while. Then we had to snap out of it and go find Zoe again because she doesn't stay in any single place for longer than two seconds. No actually, we never really lost her, she's easy to find because she shrieks with joy so much while in Chicago. Yikes, there I go agin, maybe if I just shut my yap and started posting pictures I'd get it done. So off we go.

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