Friday, July 10, 2009

Scranton Welcomes You

Yes, we drove all the way to Scranton, Pennsylvania just to get a picture of the "Scranton Welcomes You" sign, as seen on the opening sequence of one of our favorite television shows, "The Office". The city of Scranton decided to move the sign from the highway to the food court at the Steamtown Mall to avoid all the traffic issues as The Office tourists stopped to snap some Scranton sign shots. This was fine though because it gave us an excuse to see the Victoria's Secret where Michael Scott took his female co-workers to shop. Sara wouldn't let me take any pictures of that. Zoe isn't a huge fan of The Office, as evidenced by her trying to squirm her way out of the pictures.

Scranton was the eastern extremity of our Mid-West voyage. After winding our way through the construction-laden streets of Electric City we began our westward trek back home, with many stops along the way. Driving through Pennsylvania we discovered that the mile marker signs are posted every one tenth of a mile. Does any other state do that? Whenever I'm driving and there's no conversating going on, my brain goes into calculating mode to keep myself awake. One of my favorite games is to use my speedometer and the second hand of my watch to predict when the next mile sign will show up. Thanks to the overzealous Pennsylvanian road workers, my game was rendered boring, and if it hadn't been for all the Led Zeppelin music flowing through the stereo I'd have fallen asleep and crashed into a mile marker. Thanks for all the embracing, Scranton.


*Aliese* said...

Aw, I'm gettin' all nostalgic about Scranton! I love that place. I lived about 45 minutes away in a little town called Lake Como, PA for three summers and we spent a lot of time in Scranton (and at the Steamtown Mall). Steve & Barry's was a favorite stop. I didn't know they'd moved the sign there; I guess it makes sense.

Mike said...

I love the Office! I had a roommate whose first area on his mission was Scranton, Pennsylvania. He's been to all they places they mention on the show.

Donny said...

I want more pictures of Scranton!