Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Last Round in the Crown

We made the horrible mistake of letting Zoe see the barefoot children playing in The Crown Fountain. Soon thereafter she became a barefoot child playing in the fountain. I was less willing to go naked-footed because I've heard rumours that there may be harmful microbes in many of the fountains of gigantic metropolitan areas. As you can tell by the sunlight levels in these two pictures, Zoe and I spent a lot of time splashing about in the one inch of water. Every ten minutes or so the Chicago resident pictured on the gigantic walls would spit water at us and we'd get as close as we could to the stream without touching our fellow wet members of the public (also covered in microbes). It took a small miracle to get Zoe outta the fountain and into the car, especially after her grandpa got done museum enjoying and started fountain walking with us. Needless to say, it was a sobby and soggy ride home.

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