Monday, December 21, 2009

The Wisconsin Trollway

During our trip to Madison we couldn't pass up the short ride to Mount Horeb so we could take a ride down the legendary Trollway; a road lined with troll statues. Weird. Here are a few pictures of Zoe and I with our favorites. This was during Zoe's "hug all tall wooden objects" phase, so we had to stop at each one so she could get to know him or her at a very personal level. We found a map online that supposedly shows the location of all the trolls, but there were nowhere near as many as the map claimed. Perhaps some of them went back to their beloved Norway before the cold winter set in. If any of you ever make your way to Mount Horeb, it's probably best to do it at the beginning of the summer before the annual troll migration begins. I wonder why we didn't stop by Chris Farley's grave while we were in Madison? That would have been a good photo opportunity to feed our strange hunger to visit the burial locales of the famous.

1 comment:

*Aliese* said...

I pretty much love that Zoe ever had a "hug all tall wooden objects" phase.