Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where Ma was born

That's right, this is the actual birthplace of Ma Ingalls. Strange how her parents named her Ma. What if she'd have become a non child-have-able person? I've always had this same question about the Berenstain Bear family. The reason we decided to not call Zoe "Sister" is that we wanted to try her on for size before we committed to providing her a sibling. But speaking of sisters, if any of you were one, or had one, you probably watched Little House on the Prairie while eating your after-school snack. As you likely know, Caroline Lake Quiner Ingalls most certainly did have children, and depending on which season you watched, most of them lived. She was born just down the road from us in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Charles Ingalls came along when Caroline was 21, they got married, and eventually moved from the big woods to the Minnesota prairie. Sara and I spent most of last year watching the entire series of Little House and we learned a lot from Caroline Ingalls, mostly that no matter how hard a modern woman tries, she can never hope to become as domesticated as the frontiers woman. Thanks a lot Caroline. No worries though, we men are just as unlikely to measure up to Charles Ingalls, we're just not hard-working or dreamy enough. This here's a picture of Charles and Caroline, she's the one on the left. Wow, he looks just like Michael Landon...not.
We probably drove by this sign a hundred times before we finally stopped and read it. We got pretty excited and took a bunch of pictures. When we moved out to Wisconsin we drove on I-90 past Walnut Grove. I really wish we would have stopped to take some pictures of the area. This is just the sort of thing that really floats our boat(s) nowadays. Why did old western people insist on living in freezing areas? I mean why didn't Charles and Caroline just pick up and move to Florida instead of staying in the midwest? Yeah yeah, I know, probably because the land was all but free in our nation's armpits, and you can't grow the same crops in the midwest as you can in other places, but seriously? Minnesota? Of course, this is coming from a guy that moved his family to Milwaukee. Humans are strange.

1 comment:

Matt B. said...

I've been asking the same thing about Boston. Maybe they thought it was better to die of hypothermia than Malaria?