Saturday, January 19, 2008

Here Comes the Pride!

Let me just stop the presses and tell you all how much I love my darling Sara!! She is the most beautiful and caring woman I've ever met, or will ever meet, and I am so proud to say that she is mine forever. To steal a line from As Good As it Gets, she makes me want to be a better man. Because of her, I'm happy to wake up in the morning, and without her I wouldn't know who I am. These pictures were taken two years and eight months ago, and I've grown to love her even more now than I did then.
But enough of this love business, I've got a wedding to talk about. Somewhat akin to my proposal experience, I had two mishaps on the day of the wedding:
Somewhere among the, ninety times you have to change your clothes when you get married, I left my wallet in the locker room at the temple. I didn't discover walletlessness until a few minutes before the reception. Oye! You know that sick feeling you get when you discover that you've lost something very important? Add wedding jitters to that, and you get a stressed out groom and a sobbing bride. But all was remedied by the daring and courageous voyage back to the temple made by Uncle Larry and Aunt Janet, who safely brought back my wayward wallet.
Immediately after unknowingly leaving my wallet in the locker at the temple dressing room, I was escorted by a super old man to a small room where I was to anxiously wait the arrival of my new little wife. Now I knew that girls take a long time to get ready, but after waiting for forty five minutes, I began to wonder if I had been stood up. Finally my mother-in-law showed up telling me that I had been left to wait in the wrong room. Oops! She came just in time, I had bitten off all ten fingernails and was about to start on the toes.
Beyond my absent-minded mishaps, it was a beautiful wedding. If only I could relive that day every month.

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