Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Rainforests of Ontario

Here are some fun pictures we took at the Rainforest Cafe. Usually when I go to a new place that has a huge tourist following I select the Hardrock Cafe from the list of requisite tourist dining locales. Yes, this may be cliche and sappy, but I don't care. I'm a pretty sappy fella. Tara and Spencer suggested we eat here, and it was a whole lotta fun. I dare say that the only other place I've been to that has more tourist intrigue per square acre than Niagara Falls, Canada is Las Vegas. I think if we were to do it again, we would have gotten a hotel on the Canadian side rather than the US side. It would have been fun to see the falls one more time on our way out of town. Tara and Spencer actually had their wedding reception way up high in a hotel facing the waterfall, and that must have been awesome. We totally would have gone to that reception had Zoe not been born that very week. I guess its a good thing that she came when she did, or else who would have kissed the elephants and fed the snakes?

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