Saturday, July 05, 2008

Star Sighting!

Okay so today on our way home from Dale and Linda's barbecue we were headed toward the highway, trying to avoid the crowds at Milwaukee's annual music and food festival, Summerfest, when we had a major star sighting! Okay, so we sighted the limousine that was transporting a major star. This has got to be the longest limousine I ever saw, and it had a security SUV escort, and judging by the low par of bands on other stages at the Summerfest, we are absolutely certain that we were but one car length away from Tom Petty and some of the Heartbreakers. Tom Petty!! Sara says that when she looked through the limousine window just right she could see the outline of someone's head...we both like to think that it was Tom. I'll never wash my eyes again. My he's looking well these days, isn't he?

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