Monday, August 14, 2006


The park is surrounded by a great big black and gold fense. At all the gates there is are the big letters LP, which could stand for any number of things. My bet is that it is meant to stand for Levallois-Perret, but then again, it could stand for the name of the park, Le Planchette. Or, maybe I'm trying to think to hard, and it simply stands for Le Parc. At any rate, it is a great place. Like I've mentioned about the parks here before, this one has a chunk of it set aside and fenced off for the kids to play in, while the adults enjoy a leisurely stroll about the area and look at the sculptures and stuff. The day we were there taking pictures one of the kids had managed to escape and was playing with his remote control boat in the pond at the center of the park. I really hope that we can have a kid someday and that it has a remote control boat so that I can play with it (the boat). I really liked how the kid would use the boat to sneak up on unsuspecting water pigeons and then try to run 'em over. It was great fun. The park's not very far from my apartment, just beyond the Levallois hotel de ville, and on my way to work. I walk through it every morning. I'm gonna miss this little place.

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