Friday, June 16, 2006

Lounging about on a Sunday afternoon

Alright, its eight o'clock p.m. on Friday, and I am finally posting the last of last weekend's pictures. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be pretty exciting and will likely involve a museum, a park, or a church. I miht just go to a monument to spice things up. The weather looks good, so the sky's the limit. Perhaps I will post the eight euros and go atop the Tour Montparnasse and get some sweet views of the city. Hmmm. Here is a final picture of the park around the observatory. I think it is cool that there are so many people in the park just lounging on whatever square meter of grass was open. You'll notice the plaque to the right. It is in commemoration of a soldier, Durand Pierre, who was killed by a German bomb at that spot on August the 26th, 1944. You'll see such things every so often in the most obscure spots around the city. It makes you realize how many interesting phases of history such an old town has been through. I like Paris a lot. I wonder what I'll do this weekend, besides polish my shoes. Til then, have a great weekend.

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