Friday, June 16, 2006

The Hotel de Ville of Saint Denis

This is the Hotel de Ville of Saint Denis, as taken from the front steps of the Basilica. Notice how it is quite similar to the Hotel de Ville of Paris, and the one of Levallois (which for some reason I've never taken a picture of). I think it is really neat that all the buildings in the metropolitan area are so detailed and pretty. One of the many things I love abour Paris is that everything comes to you better looking than we are used to in America. Rarely does your food come without being all covered in garnish, the buildings are detailed down to the centimeter, and all the people wear a lot of fancy jewelry and accessories all the time. Even the dogs have better haircuts than most of my friends. One can't go to many places around Paris without saying, "wow, that must have taken a lot of time to do". I like it.

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