Sunday, March 14, 2010

You really ought to give Iowa a try

There are a lot of miles between Milwaukee and West Jordan, and every so often you just gotta stop and look at stuff. We've always been big fans of roadside attractions, so making a very short detour through Dyersville, Iowa was a must-do. As you've likely deduced from the sign pictured above, the baseball field from the 1989 film, Field of Dreams, is located in this corny little town.

By corny I mean full of corn. The corn stalks go on and on for miles and I can't help but wonder how all of it could possibly get planted and harvested in a single season, its quite the wonder. Dyersville is one of those little rural towns that girls always call romantic, causing their guys to rack their brains trying to figure out what's so romantic about tractors blocking the road and getting dirt all over your car. I'm beginning to believe that a girl's definition of romance is anything that's not spending another evening sitting on the couch watching reruns of Cheers. Maybe its the corn that is causing the romance. Might this be the answer to the age-old question of why popcorn is served at movie theatres? You get your woman off the couch, take her to a movie, and seal the deal with a big tub o' corn drenched in peanut oil. If I'd been old enough to date in 1989 I would have capitalized on The Field of Dreams, you got Dyersville, lots of corn, and Kevin's the perfect blue prints for making out in the balcony. Oh yeah.

For those of you who haven't seen it, The F o' D is an excellent film. To think that we all stood on the very same field that was once trod upon by Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones and Ray Liotta is like a dream come true. Yep, the bleachers from the movie are still there, and the original farm house still stands. There's Sara with the cat in front of said house, and Randy and Diane atop said bleachers. Lucy was a very happy little feline because she thinks Kevin Costner is a dream boat and the best actor ever. Lucy also licks herself.

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