Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ike's Place

Just before he became supreme commander of the whole wide world (well NATO anyway), Dwight D. Eisenhower purchased a 189-acre parcel of land on the Gettysburg battlefield. He and Mamie got the land, the old farmhouse, 600 chickens and 25 cows for only $40,000. He gave Mamie carte blanche to spruce the place up, and she went to town. Six years and $250,000 later, the place was done and Dwight invited the entire White House Staff to help warm his house. The Eisenhowers spent 365 days of his two terms at the Gettysburg house, and entertained the likes of Nikita Krushchev, Charles de Gaulle, Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan on its grounds. We didn't take the time to go up close to the house, but here's a picture that we snapped from the top of the tower out on the battle field. I guess if anybody deserves a giant house on a haunted battlefield, it's Eisenhower.

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