Thursday, November 29, 2007

We Love You Wisconsin!!

Boy does time fly! I've been asking myself for the last few weeks whether or not I wanted to update the ol' blog from the moment we left Paris, or just start all over again from today. In the end, I decided it would be best to start on the day that Sara and I got married, as it is the most pivotal day of my life. Also, I've got some pretty cool trips and pictures from those days burning a hole in my cyber-pocket.

But before we begin our mega flashback, I better update everyone on what's going on at the moment. Its pretty much like this: We moved to Milwaukee so I could take a job as an actuary. Who'd a seen that coming? We've been out here for a year and two months now, and are only a few bratwursts short of full naturalization. Check out the cool picture of downtown Milwaukee, I find our city to be super cool...or should I say super freezing? Everything was as normal as could be, and then our precious little Zoe came along last summer, and normal changed to amazing. She has got to be the second most beautiful creation on Earth. The most beautiful, of course, is Sara and the third most beautiful is probably a plateful of Chicago-style pizza.

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