Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Boomearring

While on the topic of graduation, the following story begs to be told, and likely will be much to the chagrin of my mother-in-law. My father-in-law, Randy, got Diane a pair of genuine sapphire earrings for Christmas the year before I graduated. Somewhere between the commencement and the parking lot, one of those sapphire earrings found its way off of Diane's ear and into the masses of beaming parents and graduates. We spent a lot of time dodging between people, staring at the ground, in pursuit of the renegade gem, to eventually come home empty handed. Then I was off to Paris, and the matter was least until about a month later when I got a very excited e-mail from Diane, saying that the erring had shown up at home on the top of the stairs. Weird. We all knew she had brought it with her, I remember them both being on her ears when we were in the Marriot Center. Diane thinks it was caught in her hair, I think it hitch hiked back.

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