Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ratland Turns Fifty

Ok ok, I'll admit it, I like Disneyland. Sara can make the same confession, having gone nearly yearly as she was growing up. There was a big GIS conference in San Diego the August after we got married, so Sara and I went, I on the premise of studying for the upcoming exam, and Sara on the premise of being an actual GIS Technician. We were clever enough to use the conference as an excuse to visit Disneyland on its 50th anniversary. We certainly weren't going to miss such an event. Since we both love long road trips we hopped in the ol' family truckster and with a three-day detour to visit Mickey the Rat.

Please notice Sara below, helping this poor cow to perform the every day tasks that his hoofs can no longer perform due to them being sculpted. Why am I here in the frozen tundra when such warm places exist in the world? Sara wanted me to put the picture of me picking the cow's nose and her at the front gate, but she looks so cute in this picture, I couldn't help but post it.

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