Monday, December 27, 2010

St. George Rocks!

Blogging about St. George in the middle of the winter makes me feel all warm and sweaty inside. While we were enjoying our little jaunt to southern Utah, we took some time to get in touch with our inner mountain goat and did a bit of photographic rock climbing. The red rocks of St. George provide an excellent back drop for a family photo, and I'm so glad to be married to a lady who finds a series of single-toned caves and sees a photo opportunity.

Those same red rocks also provide great toys for two-year-olds. By this I mean that Zoe wouldn't quit climbing on anything she could get her hands on. It was like we had entered a vortex where the law of gravity was reversed for all living creatures less than four feet tall. The smaller rocks were also perfect for throwing and was a veritable stone nursery for our little Zoe. Here she is fixing to leap from one cliffside to the other like a desert flying squirrel.

I tried to climb as high as I could up the little cranny under which my Sara is posing, but I was too wide to get all the way through. I did, however, find much success in banging my head and elbows on the rocks, so it wasn't a complete bust. We now know where Zoe got her climbing abilities from. Sara was smart enough to stay on the ground. I was amazed at how many ways she was able to prop up the camera just right so that the self-timer feature got all of us in the shot.

1 comment:

*Aliese* said...

Aw, The Crack! Many-a-collegiate parties were attended there. I am proud to say I can still venture through the crack...or at least I could two summers ago when I tried...