Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pictures with Corn

We were going to use this as a family Christmas card picture, but we forgot to bring the ornaments for the corn stalks. Imagine the irony if we had actually remembered to bring the popcorn chains.

Yeah, so Zoe decided to take a brisk little stroll through the stalks, and the only way I was able to keep up with her was by following her little corn songs. I just followed my ears. Ha! Imagine losing a quiet kid in the acres of corn stalks, you'd never find them. Perhaps this is why the aliens like landing in the corn...those lost kids are so light they slide right on up the tractor beam.

This is Randy tyring to act like a corn stalk. If it weren't for the red shirt he'd blend in like a vegetable chameleon. When does one pull the plug on his or her vegetable chameleon?

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